Nous sommes heureux de relayer cette invitation :
L’Institut Agro Montpellier organise le 10 novembre 2022, à 14h, en Amphi 206 sur le campus La Gaillarde une conférence de Christine Domegan, professeur de marketing social à l’université de Galway, Irlande sur la thématique suivante :
Delivering Global Change: How Social Marketing Can Make a Difference
People around the world are muddling their way through crisis upon crisis. The social and economic systems and structures that made life acceptable are being re-assembled, re-formed and re-built, or not. Social Marketing, in response to this complexity, takes a ‘bigger picture’ to ‘see’ the system and its evolutionary dynamics. This talk provides a blueprint for diagnosing and designing the behavioural and structural dynamics in our provisioning systems, and for tackling the wide scale change facing communities across the globe today, with live examples from around the world.
Pour celles et ceux qui ne peuvent pas être sur place, voici le lien Zoom :